Things just keep getting better and better for the Replica Chloe Bags as it now comes in a new and improved Hobo version. Ladies, make way for the Replica Chloe Bags. Isn’t she such a pretty sight to behold?
Named after the Tuileries Garden which is the site of Paris Fashion Week, this new Replica Chloe Bags combines impeccably combines the heritage prestige of the Monogram twisted by colorful leather. From afar and up close, this bag is a definite chic and laid back everyday bag.
The coated Monogram canvas with cowhide leather is perfectly complemented by the gold-tone metallic pieces. It also features colorful cowhide leather trim and 1 tricolor leather handle. This Tuileries Hobo version also has a magnetic closure for easy access. It also features an outside zipped pocket with leather pulls, an inside flat pocket, and a double smartphone pocket for effortless organization.
It comes in different colors that you can choose, including Caramel and Noir, measuring 13.4” x 13” x 5.1” (L x H x W) inches and is priced $2230 USD, €1650 euro, £1540 GBP, $18500 HKD, ¥262440 JPY, $2930 AUD via Replica Chloe Bags boutiques.
Clutching into the idea of owning a new Fake Bags? Well well, never think twice my dear for the new Twice Clutch is here to complete your trendy and stylish look. Exude an effortless aura of classiness and elegance with this compact and lightweight bag in tow. Sassy, chic but nevertheless elaborately appropriate for an independent modern woman, this LV clutch will be your go-to accessory whether on a casual date or whenever you meet with your girlfriends over a cup of coffee.
With functionality in mind as it can neatly transition from a cross-body bag during the day to a lovely clutch during the night, the Twice Clutch is just the perfect stylish fixer. For the well-organized, they will find heaven in this clutch for it has compartments that will keep your belongings in place all the time. Oh, it also has a secret pocket for whatever private thing you need to stow.
Twice Clutch also has a monogram canvas and grained calf leather and comes in classic black and two other cheeky shades, perfect for those who would like to break from the monotony. It has the following dimensions: 9.1 L x 6.7 x H, 1.6 inches W. It retails for $1,250 or €900 euro at Replica Chloe Bags boutique. |